Other Services

Let our caring extra services division take care of the renewal of your flowering shrubs.

Make your yard happy while Being a yard ahead of the rest

Contact us today for a free estimate! Get-a-Quote Or, call us at (734) 663-3343

Landscaping and proper maintenance adds beauty as well as value to your property

To complement our lawn care services, we also provide our customers bi-weekly or monthly weeding, prepping and edging of landscape beds, pruning of bushes and shrubs, planting of annual and perennial flowers to beautify your property, and other light landscape projects at an affordable price.

Landscaping can add as much as 15% to the value of your property and proper maintenance is essential. Over time, shrubs decline from winter snow and ice damage and become unsightly and sparse. Using sharp, well maintained equipment, ornamental shrubs will stay alive and healthy by thinning periodically and cutting the oldest, dead wood to the ground. Let our caring extra services division take care of the renewal of your flowering shrubs.

We offer light landscape projects at an affordable price

If you would like more information on these and other services we provide, contact us today!