Fertilization Program

Along with mowing your lawn properly, fertilization is also an important part of maintaining a healthy lawn. Let A-1 Lawn Care help you in maintaining a healthy and happy lawn.

Make your yard happy while Being a yard ahead of the rest

Contact us today for a free estimate! Get-a-Quote Or, call us at (734) 663-3343

With 40 years of high quality lawn care, we will produce results for you!

A-1 Lawn Care complements our mowing services with fertilization, weed control, grub control, aeration, and fungicides for fusarium blight. Insecticides are applied in the summer before your lawn is affected. To begin the season, A-1 applies our well balanced fertilizer and crabgrass preventer. In late May or June, when weeds begin to grow, we apply broadleaf weed control with fertilizer. Then, throughout the season, we monitor and take proper steps to inform you of and address any issues your lawn is experiencing.  Aeration should be done once every two years to promote root growth and allow water to penetrate deeply – essential for a healthy lawn.

Remember if you are watering your lawn, it is best to water heavily in the morning and never during the day. This is the most beneficial method and will avoid the sun from burning off the water.  Use our additional services to trim your trees to avoid shade damage. A-1 Lawn Care is committed to keeping you happy, we welcome you to call us with any changes in your lawn or if you have any concerns with your lawn or landscape. With 40 years of high quality lawn care, we will produce results for you!

Our Six-Step Fertilization Program:


Pre-emergent crabgrass control with fertilizer


Broadleaf weed control with fertilizer


Insecticide usually performed with application

For the prevention of grubs that can possibly do damage to your lawn.


Slow release fertilizer, spot spray for weeds as needed


Broadleaf weed control with fertilizer


High nitrogen winterizer fertilizer

For continual feeing throughout the winter months

If you would like more information on fertilization and other services we provide, contact us today!